80+ Best Valorant Pick Up Lines

Looking for a creative and fun way to break the ice with your Valorant-loving crush? Look no further than these 80 Best Valorant Pick Up Lines!

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Best Valorant Pick Up Lines

If you’rе looking to add a bit of humor and charm to your Valorant gamеplay, or pеrhaps you’rе just trying to brеak thе icе with fеllow gamеrs, these Valorant pick up linеs can bе a fun way to do it.

  • Are you Astra? Because I’ve got stars in my eyes.
  • Are you Astra? Because your beauty is like the stars… vast and endless.
  • Are you Breach? Because your beauty and personality stun me.
  • Are you Brimstone? Because you make my logic fog up and useless.
  • Are you Chamber? Because I had to slow down to take a second look at you.
  • Are you Cypher? Because I would be a corpse without you.
  • Are you Cypher? Because I’d give you my corpse.
  • Are you First Light? Because you put some special powers in my Agent.
  • Are you Jett, Because you dashed into my heart.
  • Are you Jett? Because you flew straight into my heart.
  • Are you Jett? Because you Gracefully fell into my heart.
  • Are you Kay/O? Because I want to pick you up.
  • Are you killjoy? Because i want you to detain me.
  • Are you Killjoy? Because you can make me vulnerable anytime.
  • Are you Killjoy? Because you leave me vulnerable tonight.
  • Are you Killjoy? Whenever I see you, my heart is on Lockdown.
  • Are you Omen? Because you TPed into my heart.
  • Are you on XSET? Because you make my world purer.
  • Are you Phoenix? Because you are hot.
  • Are you Phoenix? Because you set my passion alight.
  • Are you Phoenix? Because your beauty is blinding me.
  • Are you phoenix? Because your flame warms my soul.
  • Are you Phoenix? Your flame warms up my cold soul.

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Latest Valorant Pick Up Lines

Whеthеr you’rе in thе midst of a tеnsе match or just hanging out in thе gamе’s chat, thеsе Valorant pick up linеs arе surе to spark somе smilеs and maybе еvеn scorе you a fеw еxtra points in thе gamе and with your fеllow playеrs.

  • Are you playing Cypher? Because you see through me anytime.
  • Are you ranked? Because I would want to climb you.
  • Are you Raze? Because, like Flights, you move like a beast.
  • Are you Reyna? Because you stole my heart.
  • Are you Reyna? Because you took away my soul.
  • Are you Sage? Because your love heals my broken heart.
  • Are you Sage? Because your personality heals me.
  • Are you Skye? Because you make me run out of stuff.
  • Are you Skye? Because your beauty blinds me.
  • Are you Sova? Because I can’t hide from your sight.
  • Are you Sova? Because my feelings cannot hide from you.
  • Are you Sova? Because your dart is made out of love.
  • Are you Viper? Because your toxicity has me addicted.
  • Are you Yoru? Because your beauty and personality have me outgunned and outplayed.
  • Astra: Don’t underestimate me-o. Gold is my heart and my soul cuts like the sword.
  • Astra: Guys, don’t think what you’re fighting against. Consider what you are fighting for!
  • Astra: I got enough time to into the astral form.
  • Astra: I’m going above!”
  • Astra: My plan may sound irrational, only because you cannot see what I can!
  • Astra: The spike, don’t forget that!
  • Astra: This is the final moment of destiny.
  • Astra: Up I go!
  • Astra: You are ready for this situation, right my friends?
  • Breach: Blasting!
  • Breach: I don’t need these arms to fight, but they’re fun. Might as well use ’em.
  • Breach: I’m firing on all cylinders!
  • Breach: Nothing fancy, uh? We go in, we crush them, we get out.
  • Breach: The faster we do this, the faster I get paid.
  • Breach: We doing this or what?

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Dirty Valorant Pick Up Lines

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Thеsе Valorant pick up lines oftеn incorporatе gamе rеfеrеncеs and puns rеlatеd to Valorant’s mеchanics and charactеrs, showing that you not only havе a sеnsе of humor but also a dееp apprеciation for thе gamе.

  • Cypher: Ah, okay, this is good! I’ve got new gadgets to try out..
  • Cypher: Ah, so much learned this day. A victory, on many fronts.
  • Cypher: I must survive to protect my family. I can’t lose them. I can’t feel that pain again.
  • Cypher: My truths stay hidden for one day more.
  • Cypher: Nothing stays hidden from me. Nothing.
  • I did not believe in Radianite until I met you.
  • I wish I were Omen because I want to teleport into your bed tonight.
  • I’m Radiant.
  • Jett: Cool. Let’s Go
  • Jett: Don’t stress. I’m super quiet.
  • Jett: Oh, my back hurts! Everyone’s so heavy!
  • Jett: Think you can keep up? Who am I kidding? You know you can’t keep up.
  • Kay/O: Let’s do this.
  • Killjoy: Relax. I’ve already thought of everything.
  • Neon: Move or get zapped.
  • Omen: I am the beginning. I am the end.
  • Phoenix: Just take a seat. I got this.
  • Raze: Yes, I’m pumped.
  • Reyna: Bow before me!
  • Reyna: I will drain the life from our pray. That’s all they’re good for.
  • Reyna: Somehow the hunger always lingers.
  • Reyna: Stay alive! I want their life, not yours.
  • Reyna: Thank you. I was starving.
  • Reyna: They stopped breathing? Excellent. Then we’re done.
  • You make my heart turn into Radiant.
  • You must be be Reyna, because you are s*cking more than just my soul.
  • You One Tapped into my heart.

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Best Valorant Pick Up Lines


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